Saturday, 27 August 2016

Cancer Causes Include Loss of Spirit

The medical world has found many physical causes of cancer, but never touched on the loss of spirit as a collaborator, as a discipline that focuses on the events of the non-spiritual. The following reincarnation of the I and with a strong link with the spirit of the universe, and commissioned me to break down the walls of deception and confusion because we are in the last days. Religion, however, has put a barrier and creates a fog in which some can distinguish the spiritual power.

My entire life has become a case of observing and suffering in which the tragedy of life seems to fall. Inexorably linked to religion in one way or another or the narrative world. A lot of heavy tattoos with piercings on their body and most have no concept of God or something spiritual. They are fascinated with celebrity and money.

The tragedy that occurred in relation to religious holidays should be enough to wake people up to the fraud perpetrated by that system. However, many are so enamored of things in this world that can not be awakened from their dreams. It is then that diseases such as cancer or a serious accident happen to them.

The following reincarnation of the I and with a strong link with the spirit of the universe, the one God, and commissioned me to tear down the walls that religion has built and bring the harvest. To encourage the people of their dreams and awaken them to the reality of the pain is often the trigger to set it in motion.

The collection includes those who have woken up and listen to the voice inside that calls them back. Deviate from the world and seeking the truth with all Your heart is often enough to reverse the situation. There are no miracles happening every day that the religious leaders try to hide. They mock and condemn those who talk about reincarnation or who claims to speak with God.

Blinding people these things is a test. the spirit is to redeem them and those who suffer from the disease called 'incurable' should be cured miraculously, sometimes in a matter of seconds. As religious leaders doctors do not always want their patients to this track because it will put them out of work. the spirit, however, is more powerful and reaches the hearts and minds of victims in the world.

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