Saturday, 27 August 2016

The Holistic Protocol to Reverse Cancer

Cancer is at epidemic levels in the United States.

Five-year survival rate for conventional treatment of various forms of cancer less than 10%. the conventional method does not cure the cancer. Extend the life for several years.

conventional methods to eradicate the cancer cells, but the cancer often returns later. This is because conventional treatment does nothing for the cause of cancer. conventional treatment destroys healthy cells and cancer cells and damage the immune system. conventional treatment does nothing to bring the body in a balanced state and good health.

In general, conventional medicine treats cancer as a death sentence. It is used to prolong life for a few years, but not to cure the cancer.

While the research of conventional medicine to "cure", alternative medicine say that we already have a "treatment" - and the care is holistic thoughts, body, the approach of the soul (energy) to cancer.

This article focuses on holistic methods that are used to reverse cancer. holistic methods include products, natural methods and techniques.

Historically, products, holistic methods and techniques have not been subjected to clinical trials well-funded. But, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support their effectiveness. Some holistic health clinic dedicated to reversing the cancer as a Budwig in Spain, oasis clinical expectations in Mexico and the Institute of Gerson in San Diego argues that the five-year survival rate to holistic methods is better than conventional treatment for some. Depending on the type of cancer, some holistic practitioners affirm that the five-year survival rate with a holistic approach to cancer is more than 90%.

Clinical studies natural supplements is often the case at this time. clinical trials are very expensive and not in budget holistic practitioners, clinics and organizations. But, they began to take place by the university. Of course, there is resistance to the technique a holistic, methods and products. After all, cancer is a $ 100 billion per year industry.

In general, cancer patients diagnosed choose to conventional treatment before they switch to alternative therapies. This raises the alternative medicine and holistic approach in marked disadvantage. conventional treatment (mainly chemotherapy and radiation) did great damage to the body. Thus, a holistic approach is used after conventional treatment to try to reverse the cancer after the body has been very damaged by conventional medicine. The rate of healing to a holistic approach will be much higher if patients choose alternative therapies from the beginning.

As for the disease, a holistic approach considers the whole person-mind, body and soul to bring the person back to a state of good health and balance. The philosophy of the holistic approach begins with the premise that the disease is "dis-ease", an imbalance in the body, which must be balanced to cure the disease.

A holistic approach to first identify the cause of this imbalance and then Remove, greatly reduce and / or mitigate them. A holistic approach to this disease also involves the use of natural techniques, methods and products to build the systems of the body - the immune system, digestive system, metabolic system, lymphatic system and circulatory system. This is also true with cancer.

Thus, holistic practitioners first identified the cause of the cancer. holistic practitioners believe the cause of the root cause of cancer is a weak system of immunity and compromise, the balance of the acid pH and low levels of oxygen in the blood and the carcinogens and other toxins (chemicals, heavy metals and radiation) that cause some cells to mutate and spread like a cancer. We regularly ingest and absorb carcinogens and other toxins. this poison food, water, beverages, product for cleaning the body, the environment, drugs and vaccines.

other causes of cancer include stress, negativity and negative energy, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and poor diet, i.e. a diet that consists mostly of processed foods and manufactured.

Author and holistic practitioners believe that all the above causes lead to the major causes of cancer - the immune system is weak and compromised that are not able to stop the spread of cancer cells or tumor formation. our bodies produce cancer cells regularly. But, a normal immune system quickly destroy them and prevent them from spreading and forming tumors. A weak immune system can destroy cancer cells or stop them from spreading and forming tumors.

The main cause of a weakened immune system and compromise begins with the oxidation of cellular inflammation, and low power consumption at the cellular level. These causes include all the causes listed above. The result of all these causes is to undermine all systems of the body (i.e., digestive system, metabolic system, lymphatic system and circulatory system) and organs, especially the kidneys, liver and thyroid. The end result of damaged organs and systems of the body is the immune system which is corrupt and weak can not stop the spread of the cancer.

A holistic approach to cancer begins with the belief that the body can heal itself. What You need is by using products (food, herbs, herbal supplements, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants) to improve the body's ability to heal, natural methods and techniques. As mentioned above, in the jargon holistic, the disease is referred to as the "dis-ease," the imbalance in mind, body and soul which have a damaging effect on health. With regard to cancer, there are imbalances and deficiencies that must be corrected.

Protocol holistic discussed in this article using techniques of the mind, body and soul (energy) to eliminate or reduce the causes of cancer and significantly improve the immune system, while repairing the damage to the body system and other organs and restore energy cells. The focus is the protocol holistic approach to activate the immune system to destroy cancer cells and tumors and prevent them from spreading further. At the same time, a holistic approach to restore the health and vitality of the cells are non-cancerous so that they can defend themselves from the spread of cancer first.

The most important body to respect the system, increase cancer of the immune system and the metabolic system-especially aspects of the metabolic system connected to the cell's mitochondria and cellular energy. But, all the body systems and organs work together. So, they all must be dealt with through the protocol holistic. This will allow the body to function at optimal levels.

This protocol uses a holistic diet, nutrition, vitamins and minerals and other natural supplements to improve the immune system and energy. Also use vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and oxygen for the same reason. At the same time, it makes use of natural supplements to directly target and destroy cancer cells - as the chemo natural. This protocol also uses diet holistic and natural supplements to (chemical substances and heavy metals) that are stored in the cells of the body-toxins intoxicating. Detoxification specifically focuses on the intestines and the organs are functioning at their best.

The optimal Diet for reversing cancer is eating raw vegan organic (composed of organic, whole foods, raw vegetables). It is full of fresh organic vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds. They should be eaten in raw form as much as possible. This will improve the immune system.

This Diet includes lots of salad with dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, green leafy, cabbage, spinach and Rocket (vegetables contain many cancer-fighting chlorophyll) and an assortment of colored-that is, vegetables, cucumber, tomatoes , onions, mushrooms, celery, beets, peppers, radishes, avocado, green and red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. They are also good with the green smoothies juice, beats and beet juice root and carrot juice. These foods are filled with what the body needs for good health-vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, water, oxygen and vital energy. When You eat them in raw form, maximize the consumption of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water and oxygen in it. This will improve the immune system.

There was a split in the world of holistic on the fruit because fruit contains sugar (albeit natural fructose) and sugar (to balance the PH of the acid) feed cancer. If You continue to eat the fruit, make low-glycemic fruits such as berries - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. Avoid grains that contain gluten. Gluten is a form of sugar feeds cancer and sugar. Whole quinoa grain is gluten free and high in protein, vitamins and minerals. Red rice is the second best for the same reason, but contain little nutrients from the quinoa.

Typical meals and snacks including salads and fresh fruit juices and smoothies. Eat a lot of nuts and seeds. Nuts are nuts, cashew nuts, almonds and Brazil nuts, among others. They include pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and chia seeds among others. Nuts and seeds provide You with the necessary protein and fat (along with avocado and coconut). They also will help stabilize brain chemistry, which is important for happiness and positive thinking which is important for strong immune system.

Optimal Diet including super foods along with food prebiotics and probiotics. Superfoods are full of anti-oxidants include, among other things, chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, chlorophyll, fresh onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, blueberries, goji berries, acai berries, chia seeds, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds . Garlic, ginger and onion are also foods pre-biotic. Also, drink water with fresh lemon juice or lime juice. Lemon and lime are rich in vitamin C, a powerful anti-oxidant. Probiotics are foods and fermented foods including sauerkraut, pickles and kefir (which is not plant-based). prebiotic foods and probiotics are very important to strengthen the immune system.

The Diet described above is similar to the Gerson diet, the Bud wig diet and oasis diet expectations discussed below.

Why organic, vegan diet raw is free of carcinogens and other toxins from pesticides and herbicides. Does not contain GMOS, toxic. This Diet contains required vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, oxygen and vital energy to help repair the body and the immune system. It is also very de-toxifying, because it contains a lot of fiber which is needed for detoxification.

refined salt is toxic and free from minerals. So just using salt entirely of minerals such as salt Himalayan salt or Celtic.

Eliminate or greatly reduce meat and dairy products. If You include, make sure they are organic and grass fed / free-range. White wild, eggs and freshwater fish is the best source of animal protein for health. But, vegan diet raw contain a sufficient amount of protein (You only need 60-120 grams of protein per day depending on the size and type of the body). There are a lot of protein in nuts, seeds, legumes and grains (especially quinoa). Vegetables also contain protein. Then, animal protein is not necessary.

Eliminate refined sugar and processed and packaged foods. junk food is not real food. They are not easy to digest. They are toxic and full of sugar and, along with meat and dairy products, tend to make the PH balance of the acid. The PH balance of the power of the cancer of the acid and sugar. The need to maintain the balance of alkaline pH and the need to eliminate or significantly reduce sugar (especially refined and processed sugar) is shown below. Diet optimum discussed above is alkaline diet and a diet low in sugar.

To reverse cancer, we must preserve and increase the energy of our cells. We spend most of our energy to digest and metabolize food (and negative thoughts ongoing). Vegan diet raw consists of plant foods easily digestible natural and metabolism. Meat and processed foods take more energy to digest and metabolize. This is another reason to avoid these foods.

negative thoughts will burn energy. Attention and positive thinking techniques discussed below, we remain in a state of relaxation. We need to significantly reduce stress and the negative and stay in a relaxed state to preserve and enhance cells energy.

To reverse the cancer, maintain the balance of alkaline pH. This will improve Your immune system. Alkaline is the opposite of the pH balance of the acid. acidosis acid feeds cancer. You can test the pH balance with test strips. these test strips will show You if the balance of Your PH is alkaline or acidic.

Diet raw vegan is alkaline. To keep the pH balance alkaline, diet raw vegan for a meal and drink plenty of pure water every day. Some argue that one gallon of pure water every day or eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day. But, make sure that the water is filtered, distilled or spring water. It is recommended to filter the water with a powerful filter that out from all the chemical substances and heavy metals such as sodium fluoride. A reverse osmosis filter is the best for this. To maintain the balance of pH alkaline drink only pure water and tea, especially herbal and green tea. Prevent or greatly reduce the coffee. Promotes the pH balance of the acid. Eliminate sodas, soft drinks and sweet drinks and artificial sweeteners. They promote the balance of pH acid.

In addition, to maintain the balance of alkaline pH, drink a few glasses of eight ounces of pure water with one teaspoon of aluminum free soda and fresh lemon several times each day. This will help You maintain the balance of alkaline pH. Water, lemon and Himalayan salt is alkaline. You can buy alkaline water.

Every day, the dose a good measure of vitamins and minerals - 10 to 15 times higher than the recommended daily allowance. The recommended daily allowance is not enough to stimulate the system and the energy of the immune cells of the body. Multi-vitamins include vitamins A, B complex, C, D3, E, K1 and K2. Take a daily dose of a good measure of the elements of the colloid, including all the minerals needed by the body. The body needs many vitamins and minerals for good health. The food at the base of the whole plant which is important but not enough to provide all the vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. This is due to the large amount of toxins that ingest or absorb that we must fight together for the fact that the soil has been depleted of vitamins and minerals needed.

Take supplements that stimulate the immune system and cell energy include ginseng (American, Asian, Siberian Ginseng), resveratrol, vitamin B complex, supplements Asian mushrooms (extracts reishi shiitake maitake mushroom), Green Tea and Green Tea Extract , propolis, grape seed extract, quercetin, alpha-lipoic acid and maca.

All diseases including cancer triggered by oxidation (oxidative stress) and inflammation at the cellular level. Then, take anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory every day. This will improve the immune system. Take a dose of good-sized Co Q 10 / ubiquinol. This is a super anti-oxidant - and immune system need to be flooded with anti-oxidants to fight cancer. Also, take a dose of good size turmeric or curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric). Turmeric is a very good food. This is an herb from India which is a good anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Eat fresh garlic and ginger every day. Garlic is very good food and a powerful anti-oxidant. Ginger is a food that is very good and powerful anti-inflammatory. Take a dose a good measure of the supplement of flax seed oil. Flax seed oil contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which is beneficial for health, and will help improve the immune system. Also consider, flax oil. hemp oil also contains omega 3 and 6. other seeds such as pumpkin seeds and chia seeds also contain fatty acids omega 3 and 6. Some practitioners recommend fish oil for omega 3 fatty acids, while others they believe that fish oil may contain contaminants from the fish and how it is processed. So, flax seed oil and hemp oil is the preferred choice for omega 3 fatty acids.

The whole diet, vegan organic, containing essential nutrients and fiber necessary to stimulate the immune system and cell energy. The whole diet, vegan organic, consisting of foods that contain a lot of water and oxygen are necessary for good health.

A lot of the necessary oxygen to support the cells to fight cancer. Furthermore, the oxygen destroying the cancer cells. the water contains a lot of oxygen. This will also keep Your body hydrated for good health. So, drink plenty of pure water. You can add oxygen to the water with the ozone machine. In addition to pure water, practicing deep breathing. Take a breath of deep cleansing from time to time and ensure that a slow, deep breath. Buy alkaline water.

Don't drink soda, drink a bottle or artificial. Do not drink artificial sweeteners. This are made of toxic chemicals. Drink pure water, green tea and herbal tea for healing.

Do not use refined sugar or artificial sweeteners. They are toxic and damage the immune system and cells.

To strengthen the immune system, You need to further eliminate and avoid toxins. At the same time, they should be de-pollute Your body's cells, including the gut and intestines, liver and kidneys. This will rev up Your immune system.

For general detoxification of the body, drink the apple cider vinegar and water every day. Put apple cider vinegar in Your salad. Drink water with diatomaceous earth or bentonite clay. Use the psyllium husks and activated carbon. Eat fresh onion. Take colloidal minerals every day. Drink juice made with cilantro and fresh parsley. Boil the water and put sprigs of parsley and coriander leaves in hot water and leave it overnight to steep. So drink the juice. Everything is de-detoxifies chemicals and heavy metals stored in the cells of the body by dragging them out of the cell. The body then eliminates them as waste.

To strengthen the immune system, it is important to de-intoxicate the intestines and the colon along with kidneys and liver. Regarding the kidneys and liver, taking herbal supplements designed to eliminate toxins from them. This supplement includes milk thistle and dandelion root and herbal other beneficial. Drink cranberry juice without sugar and eat the beans into the kidneys. If Your energy is low, You may need to strengthen the thyroid with iodine and Indian herb called gum guggul.

A healthy gut and the gut is very important to improve the immune system. Per-intoxicating the colon and intestines, You have to get rid of parasites and candida overgrowth that inhibits the inner wall of the colon and intestines and limit their effectiveness. Parasites and candida overgrowth feed on refined sugar, processed foods and the pH balance of the acid. So many people have an overgrowth of candida and parasites in their intestines and the large intestine because they eat refined sugar and processed foods and drinking acidic beverages such as coffee and soda for a long time.

Adopting an alkaline diet previously discussed, it will eliminate sugar and processed foods and move to a balance of alkaline pH. Next, take an herbal supplement that is designed to destroy the overgrowth of candida and parasites in the intestines and colon. This includes a combination of wormwood, cloves and black walnut extract shell with grape seed. Whole oranges are also useful in the treatment of candida overgrowth.

Finally, a good digestion requires the colon to be filled with beneficial bacteria to make it work effectively. But, toxins, medications and often antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria, the intestines. So, repopulate Your gut with beneficial bacteria. This is done by eating foods pre-biotic and fermented foods or taking a supplement a good pro-biotic. This will keep the overgrowth of candida in check.

Detoxification is important to stimulate the immune system. Toxins (chemicals and heavy metals) that are ingested and absorbed is stored in the cells of the body. While de-toxifying, it is important to stop the consumption and absorb more toxins, which damage the immune system. So, clean eating organic, vegan, raw diet. Foods in this diet contain a lot of fiber which will help-intoxicating the body and, because they are biological, do not add toxins to Your body. Drink pure water, green tea and herbal tea. pure water and this tea helps-intoxicating the body and will not add toxins to Your body.

Also, use the body care products (soap, lotion, shampoo, etc.) And cleaning products are organic and toxin free. Carefully drugs and vaccines. The drug is composed of chemicals. the liquid vaccine contains chemical substances and heavy metals. Refrain from drinking alcohol or smoking. Cigarettes contain heavy metal and chemical substances, and alcohol is a chemical substance.

Take a dose of good size supplements that specifically target cancer cells for destruction. This supplement helps the immune system to destroy cancer cells and take the pressure off the immune system. These supplements include dandelion root, turmeric / curcumin, vitamin B17 (laetrile) (for sale only in the form of apricot seeds in the U.S. for FDA), extract hull walnut black, arteisinum or wormwood (especially when combined with iron) , grape seed extract, colloidal gold (nanoparticle gold), soursop, pau 'd arc, pare, the wine God of thunder (he gong teng), for the last time quinone pectinpyrroloquinoline orange, thistle, cannabis oil and medical marijuana. Some of these supplements herbs also come in tea form. Essiac dandlion tea and is also highly recommended to reverse the cancer. tea Essiac contains a mixture of herbs including sheep's sorrel, which is believed to be the main cancer-fighting herbal tea Essiac.

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