Saturday, 27 August 2016

How to Prevent and Fight Cancer Naturally With Holistic Nutrition

Research has shown that cancer has some underlying factors such as free radical damage, genetics, diet and lifestyle. Have a family history can increase the risk of certain cancers, but if the genes are activated or not can depend on diet, lifestyle and environment. Factors important but often neglected role not only in prevention but also in treatment and recovery from cancer.

Because only conventional treatment has failed in the war against cancer despite the enormous resources and advances in the battle against cancer?

The truth is that cancer is a disease of multi-factorial which requires a multi-factorial including medical, nutritional and lifestyle changes, as well as the mental, emotional and social. By adopting a holistic approach to cancer nutrition natural can significantly reduce the risk of cancer and if You have cancer, can provide You with the support You need to fight the disease.

You can prevent and fight cancer naturally with nutrition holistic. A natural approach is to help cancer:

-Significativamente Reduce the risk of cancer
-Effectively Modify an interior environment to avoid the formation of cancer
-to Strengthen the effectiveness and deal with the side effects of conventional cancer therapy such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy
-Stimulating the immune System and reduce the risk of tumors recurring
-Incrementare the Possibility of partial remission or complete

Before working as a nutritionist holistic registered and certified professional coach and as a former cancer doctor, I see many cancer patients in my medical practice suffering from unwanted side effects of conventional cancer therapy, and I think that a lot of this can be avoided or overcome through the nutrition Program holistic natural targeted face diet, lifestyle, and aspects of mental / emotional.

5 nutrition tips holistic to help prevent and fight cancer naturally with nutrition holistic

1 - Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables

Choose foods from a variety of the rainbow red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple-give Your body a full spectrum of compounds and nutrients to function against cancer optimal.

2 - eat the right fat

A Diet high in fat, animal fat especially saturated has proven to be connected with a variety of cancers. It is important to reduce the consumption of total fat, increasing the intake of omega-3 and monounsaturated fatty acids. Consider eating fatty fish such as salmon and sardines, flax seeds, chia seeds and use healthy fats such as olive oil and flax seed oil.

3 - eat foods cancer fighting

Has been scientifically proven that certain foods contain phytochemicals that have anticancer effects. These foods include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, garlic, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, citrus fruits, soy, green tea and turmeric.

4 - reduce intake of red meat

Meat contains a lot of saturated fat and compounds are potentially carcinogenic, including pesticide residues, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, formed when meat is fried, grilled or baked. The level of amines which are high in meat is well done and charred, so this should be avoided. Meat such as ham, hot dogs, bacon and dried meat should also be avoided because it contains nitrate compounds which form carcinogenic nitrosamines in the body.

5 - detoxify and alkalize Your body

Alkaline Diet high can potentially reduce the risk of cancer or help fight the disease because at pH 8.5, cancer cells can not survive. The best way to alkalize Your body is through detoxification. Detox programs work to alkalize Your body and improve the disposal of waste by supporting Your organs of detoxification.

With the scientific references are simply from the medical field shows a validation approach nutrition holistic cancer, there is no doubt that an integrated approach which combines conventional therapy and holistic is Your solution to win the battle against cancer.

oncologist conventional will embrace this approach to support medical care. Most importantly, the adoption of a holistic approach to nutrition to prevent and combat cancer, enable You to get the power to take into account healing their own hands.

We are on a mission to spread the word about a holistic approach to the fight against cancer so please share this article with the one You know who could benefit from this information.

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